Sample Project titles for MekatronixTM Robots

Moonbot Explorer: Train your Mekatronix
TM robot to explore the surface of the moon without getting stuck or going crazy!

RoboNurse: Make your Mekatronix
TM robot simulate going around a hospital picking up and delivering medicine and paperwork.

Line tracer: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot follow a line or curve.

BombBot: (Difficult) Have your Mekatronix
TM robot find the "bomb" and "blow it up" or "sound his alarm" (add a siren or speaker).

Butlerbot: (Difficult) Train your Mekatronix
TM robot to serve your friends drinks and snacks at parties while avoiding obstacles and not spilling the drinks.

Name Tracer: With an (ERASABLE!) pin, have your Mekatronix
TM robot draw your name on the floor.

MowBot or RoboMower: (Difficult) Have your Mekatronix
TM robot simulate mowing a lawn while avoiding obstacles like: a dog or cat (Use a friendís TJ robot), a hose, holes, shrubs, sprinkler heads, etc.

Hide from the SeekBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot wait a few minutes while you hide and see how long he/she takes to find you. Can you program him/her to find you faster?

Seek the HideBot: Wait a few minutes while your Mekatronix
TM robot hides and then waits for five or so minutes to see if you can find him/her. (You should program him/her to start moving after six minutes (or add a siren that he/she can turn on).

RoboVacuum: (Difficult) Have your Mekatronix
TM robot simulate vacuuming a room while avoiding obstacles like: a dog or cat (Use a friendís TJ robot), a chair leg, a table leg, furniture, etc.

RoboTank: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot try and run over all kinds of small obstacles. Have him/her recognize what he/sheíll have to go around and what he/she can trample over! (You might want to put bigger wheels on this one!)

SpyBot: (Additional $275) Mount the color remote camera (MCCDA) on your Mekatronix
TM robot and have him/her go on a spying mission. You can watch it live on a regular TV and record his mission on a regular VCR. (100í transmission range)

Scaredy CatBot: Your Mekatronix
TM robot quickly and abruptly turns and runs away from any and every thing.

Big Bad DogBot: Your Mekatronix
TM robot Looks for moving objects and then chases after them.

DanceBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot do a choreographed dance to match your favorite song. Or have him/her dance with a partner.

RaceCarBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot compete in a race avoiding other robots and obstacles while staying on the race course.

Highway PatrolBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot wait for another robot to go by and then chase it down.

ShapeBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot do figure eights and other shapes.

MazeBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot escape from a maze.

PossumBot: Your Mekatronix
TM robot stays completely still (plays dead) whenever someone approaches and will start moving again when the coast is clear.

BrokenBot: Your Mekatronix
TM robot appears to be broken but it actually does something. What is the secret behavior?

TVBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot respond to commands from a TV remote control.

SurpriseBot: Your Mekatronix
TM robot stays still and then surprises you when you approach.

TVBot: Have your Mekatronix
TM robot respond to commands from a TV remote control.

Others: Toxic site explorer, Smart Homing device, RoboGuard,



© 1997 to 2000 MekatronixTM , Inc. 407-672-6780